Eventually we decided to go for it. Grouse mountain has two routes up, the cable car and the 'Grouse Grind' As the sign says, it is a climb 933 meters over 2.9 km, so it is quite steep. Nothing very high or very far, just a nice walk up a pretty mountain with a fantastic view! However. For some reason this is no walk. The 'Grouse Grind' is a Challenge! Something that the Sussex men's fitness league (all divisions) would LOVE! There is even a cleaver way to time yourself by obtaining a swipe card you can start your timer at the bottom and by swiping it again at the top, your time will be displayed for all to see in the cafe at the top. Probably on the Internet somewhere there are pie charts and graphs to show you how strong you are compared to others, that you could then gloat at in the pub.
I had heard about it (repeatedly) from my mum but it took me 4 weeks to find time to go and see for myself. I turned up in the car park on Sunday morning with a friend, wearing good walking shoes and with a small back pack containing a rain jacket and a picnic. The car park looked more like it was the start of the local half marathon than the foot of a mountain trail, with people everywhere in shorts and running gear. In my sensible walking attire I stuck out like Mary Poppins would at a Fat Boy Slim concert!
Anyway my first attempt (yes, I will have to go again) took me 59 minutes. Elite runners can do it in 35 mins and the average walk will take about 90 mins. So next weekend we will be up early in the car park in running gear like the rest of Canada and we are going to try and do it as fast as we can!
As this is the new bench mark for determining your position in the Sussex Men's fitness league and I currently have the fastest time up the Grouse Grind, this must put me firmly at the top of division one!? Luckily non of you have any holidays booked in Vancouver this year.