My son will tell anyone that the highlight of this trip for him was when his dad (me) crashed the boat! It wasn't a horrible crash and there was no damage and no need to inform the MIAB ( Marine Accident Investiagation Bureau) or to instigate our SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Polution Emergency Plan) or even to write an incident report to shore side management. The thing with narrow boats is that people crash them all the time and at 2 or 3 miles per hour a nudge Into the trees or the bank is common place. Not probably so cool for a professional captain.
Anyway, the week was amazing, the boat was well equipped and warm even though it was middle of the British winter and the kids had a great time. Our son 4 was able to steer (without crashing) start the engine, increase and decrease speed, help with the locks and our daily routines, such as cleaning nod topping up with fresh water.
On board traditional sailing ships, a "Happy Hour" is common place and rather than it's usual reference, this is a period usually after breakfast where the whole crew muck in and do cleaning duties in order to make the captain happy. We have tried to incorporate this into our routines at home to get the kids involved in some of the daily chores but it has been most successful on the boat. Accompanied by the bob the builder song played at high volume sweeping and vacuuming was done by our eldest and dancing and singing youngest.

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