Three of us got up early on Sunday morning to take part in the local swimming club biathlon. The event entailed running 5 kms and an open water swim inside of the reef at Ala Moana of 1km. Perfect conditions and the normal wonderful atmosphere that hangs over the beach here at Ala Moana, were all present and enhanced by the small group of athletes that had started to gather and bustle about. It was starting however, to be evident that this was not a fun, I will enter it for a laugh sort of event. Out of the 165 entrants, I think that I was carrying 90% of the whole fields body fat.
Anyway, the whole thing was taken seriously and we were all issued with a timing chip and given a quick briefing. Then, before we knew it we were off!
I knew that I had set off on the run too quickly but I managed to keep a good pace, knowing in my head that I needed to gain as much ground in the running section as possible before the swim.
After entering the water, my arms took a few minutes to win back the blood that my legs had been using just seconds before. This was a strange feeling! Soon though I could be seen scrambling to my feet in the shallow water again trying to run up the beach towards the finish line, my heart beating faster than it has in a long while but a with huge smile across my face.
I came 83rd overall and completed it in 50 minutes. This is not a fantastic achievement but I really enjoyed the event and this Sunday's three miles (5km) took my seven day running total up to 49 miles. This is soon to come crashing back to zero miles over the next week as we head out into the windy North Pacific. Lucky us!
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