Tuesday 27 September 2011

My current status in the Sussex Men’s Fitness League

For those who are not aware of what this is. It is a fictional league of real people, peers and friends that live locally to me. The ranking of which is usually decided upon by me, relating directly to how fit I feel and what crazy event of human endurance that they are managing at the time.
I recently managed to out-run a girl guide with a runny nose while the upper levels of the group, ‘premier league’ as I will call them, are increasing in strength and endurance, which honestly is not quite human. You will not catch me making football references often but consider me in the Championship league. If I manage to get promoted by some fluke of a good year into the Premiership. I just don’t have the legs to stay there for long and so I get relegated back almost immediately.

There is an event called the North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc www.ultratrailmb.com This is a 100 mile race in the French Alps. A year or so ago I was in France to support a group of super human friends that were involved in something at the same time that made this event look like a fun run. However. I stood at the finish line watching the competitors finish the gruelling race and was somehow very inspired. Foolishly, and out loud I said that I would do it one day. This lead to me signing up to an 80 km run in France the following spring which I completed and even enjoyed. Currently though my status since this hiatus of fitness has come tumbling back to normal levels of human endurance.

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