This dramatic sky is what faced us this morning, just after sun rise today. The sky is enormous when you are at sea and it is always changing. A bit like our destination really!
At 4 am I took over the bridge watch from the 2nd officer. This is the start of our 4th day at sea and although we know where we are, we don't really know where we are going. This is often the way of things but it messes with peoples heads. I am fresh on board and don't care but a few folks get a bit edgy when the plan is so fickle.
The ships log book has a new page for every day, apart from the day and date, there are three headings at the top of the page, 'Ships Name', 'Voyage From' and on the top right it says 'Towards' in our case this section currently remains blank.
Our course is still East and we are still making progress in that direction just south of the Equator
Welcome back aboard the digital sea, cap'n!