Wednesday 22nd April
The pictures above are taken around sunrise this morning. An eyrie calm descended over the equatorial Pacific., We have found what we were looking for! The calm seas and balmy weather of the doldrums, so now we are making excellent progress eastwards and our voyage will be over by the weekend.
The sea was so calm this morning, it was a deep rich, effervescent blue that cast a perfect reflection of the bow.
As the passage nears conclusion I look back over the days out here with some fondness. Such wonders we have seen. The rainbow cast by the moon! A meteorite crashing through the earth’s atmosphere, dolphins swimming in the bow, phosphorescence glowing and sparkling like fireworks in the bow wave. Star lit nights that spangle the sky with no light pollution to hinder their magnificence . Sun rises and sun sets, more in two weeks than many see or take time to notice in a year.
Our minds and energies shift now, from getting there to preparing everything for the actual destination.
I just wonder if they will sell tea bags in Galapagos?.
Never heard of a seaman wishing for de doldrums!