In my attempt to start climbing out of the lower levels of the SMFL* and to earn the right to wear tights without embarrassment, I have been in training. What usually happens when I do this is, the boys and girls at home start to step up a notch too so although I am fitter and stronger than before I still pale into insignificance and remain somewhere down in Division 3.
The 4th of December will mark 2 months since I foolishly entered the silly French running thing and also the start of my campaign to be fit enough for it. To impress you with my nerdy enthusiasm for my new gadget here are my statistics for the period.
Calories Burned..37,587
Calories eaten today about 30,000 (food on board is very good!)
Average heart rate in beats per minute.. 141. According to Dai this is not enough and I must surely be close to death. However my maximum was 193 beats per minute. (You should have seen that carrot**!)
Total Ascent 31,866 feet
Total descent 32,209 feet
Total number of miles run
234.05All of that in 44 hrs of training. Gosh I am tough aren't I!! No actually but I am making a good effort and it feels good to have a focus while I am away.
* SMFL or Sussex Men's Fitness League, a fictitious league comprising of most of my friends and a select bunch of local girl guides all of whom can beat me in sporting prowess. Your level in the league is pretty much just decided on by me. Seems fair
** Carrot. This is a fit young woman, normally with a very nice arse, wearing something to compliment it, while also running. A joy for any man to follow in any event or on any day of any week for that matter. Usually known as a carrot for it's ability to motivate the male runner into keeping up, (so to speak) at a respectable distance behind anyway.